AVRly - AVR Development Resources
2 * @defgroup getting_started Getting Started with Blink
3 * @brief Documentation for the files referenced in Getting Started with Blink.
4 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
5 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/getting-started/source
6 */
9 * @defgroup anatomy Anatomy of Embedded Firmware
10 * @brief Documentation for the files referenced in Anatomy of Embedded
11 * Firmware.
12 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
13 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/anatomy-of-embedded-firmware/layout-and-documentation-examples
14 */
17 * @defgroup data_converters Data Converters
18 * @brief A collection of guides and code documentation for data converters.
19 * @defgroup mcp48x2 MCP48x2 DAC
20 * @brief Driver for the MCP48x2 family of DAC chips from Microchip.
21 * @ingroup data_converters
22 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
23 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/data-converters/mcp48x2_dac/example
24 */
27 * @defgroup debug_tools Debug Tools
28 * @brief A collection of guides and code documentation for debugging tools.
29 * @defgroup log_system Log System
30 * @brief Logging subsystem to print debug messages over USART to PC.
31 * @ingroup debug_tools
32 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
33 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/debug-tools/log-system/example
34 */
37 * @defgroup displays Displays
38 * @brief A collection of guides and code documentation for displays.
39 * @defgroup hd44780_lcd HD44780 16x2 LCD
40 * @brief Driver for the HD44780 based 16x2 liquid crystal display.
41 * @ingroup displays
42 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
43 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/displays/hd44780_lcd/example
44 */
46 /**
47 * @defgroup sensors Sensors
48 * @brief A collection of guides and code documentation for sensors.
49 *
50 * @defgroup ccs811 CCS811 Gas Sensor
51 * @brief Driver for the CCS811 gas sensor.
52 * @ingroup sensors
53 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
54 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/sensors/ccs811_sensor/example
55 *
56 * @defgroup bme280 BME280 Temperature, Pressure and Humidity Sensor.
57 * @brief BME280 Temperature, Pressure and Humidity Sensor.
58 * @ingroup sensors
59 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
60 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/sensors/bme280_sensor/example
61 */
63 /**
64 * @defgroup avr_peripherals AVR Peripheral Features
65 * @brief A collection of guides and code documentation for AVR peripheral
66 * features such as timers and counters, interrupts etc.
67 * @defgroup timer_counter Timer/Counter
68 * @ingroup avr_peripherals
69 * @defgroup digital_clock Digital Clock
70 * @ingroup timer_counter
71 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
72 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/avr-peripheral-features/timer-counter/digital-clock/example
73 *
74 * @defgroup am_radio
75 * @ingroup timer_counter
76 * @see
77 *
78 * @defgroup comms_protocols Communication Protocols
79 * @ingroup avr_peripherals
80 *
81 * @defgroup spi SPI
82 * @ingroup comms_protocols
83 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
84 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/avr-peripheral-features/comms_protocols/spi/example
85 *
86 * @defgroup i2c I2C
87 * @ingroup comms_protocols
88 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
89 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/avr-peripheral-features/comms_protocols/i2c/example
90 *
91 * @defgroup usart USART
92 * @ingroup comms_protocols
93 * @see The files can be downloaded from the repo at:
94 * https://github.com/Jason-Duffy/AVRly/tree/main/content/modules/avr-peripheral-features/comms_protocols/usart/example
95 */