void am_radio_transmit_note(note_pitch_t pitch, note_duration_t note_length)
Transmits a square wave, monophonic note for the specified duration.
void am_radio_set_tempo(uint8_t tempo)
Sets tempo for musical tones to be transmitted (in BPM).
void init_am_radio(frequency_khz_t carrier_freq)
Initialises timer/counter for radio transmission at a specified carrier frequency.
Enum to expose the predefined carrier frequency options.
void arpeggio_in_c_test(void)
Test sequence, transmits an arpeggio scale in C major.
void am_radio_rest(note_duration_t rest_length)
Waits a specified duration before playing the next note.
Enum to expose the predefined duration options.
Contains the count values required for the note pitches to work at 8MHZ F_CPU.
Enum to expose the count values required to generate the pitches.